SOFA Week 2019


The SOFA Week is designed to gather the entire SOFA community, to present technological and scientific advances, while fostering the networking within the community. Last year was the first occurrence of the international SOFA Week and appeared to be a great success within the community. Let’s make it even bigger for 2019!

Book the week of the 18-22nd November and join us in downtown Paris: in Station F and in EIT Digital CLC. The SOFA Week is the annual opportunity to attend:

  • training sessions on SOFA or workshops/tutorials on plugins
  • the SOFA international symposium
  • the technical committee (STC#8)

18th Nov 2019:   Training session

To start the SOFA week, a training session will take place to provide new users (and any interested participant) an efficient introduction to SOFA. The training focuses on the SOFA main principles, the community, theoretical backgrounds on physics simulation, hands-on user and developer tutorials.

19th Nov 2019:   International SOFA Symposium (free)

The symposium focuses on research and scientific achievements based on SOFA. This symposium allows international researchers from the SOFA community to present their scientific work, their plugins and propose live demonstrations. It is also the annual meeting where companies using SOFA can demonstrate their latest products. Finally, it is the opportunity to meet the community and create strong collaborations.

20th Nov 2019:   Plugin workshop (free)

Further to the Symposium, an advanced tutorial sessions is proposed to discover and understand specific open-source SOFA plugins. More precisely, this session aimed at providing a specific insight in recent state-of-the-art work located outside from SOFA (plugins). As last year, the 2019 edition will highlight the SoftRobot plugin and the Model Reduction plugin, among others.

20-22nd Nov 2019:   Technical committee (free)

This committee focuses on technical discussions on current and future developments in SOFA. With developers of the community and SOFA Technical Members, the technical roadmap for the next release is jointly designed. It is also a unique opportunity to meet the developer community and code all together.

Day: 18th November 2019
Location: EIT Digital CLC – 4th floor, 23 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris, France
Room: Nice
Level: Beginner – Medium (max 8 participants)

Registration costs:

  • early bird: 500€ (before the 15th October 2019)
  • regular fare: 700€ excl. tax.

This training session aims at providing a wide introduction to SOFA and its community while ensuring the mathematical, physical and computer science backgrounds in order to start in the best conditions with SOFA. The agenda of the training is detailed below:

9:00 am – 10:00 am Overview of SOFA and its community
10:00 am -10:30 am Coffee – for a good start!
10:30 am – 11 am Examples of applications with SOFA
11:00 am – 12:00 am User Tutorial
12:00 am – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm Understand physics with SOFA:
from the math to the code
3:30 pm – 4:00 pm Coffee break
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Developer Tutorial

Day: 19th November 2019
Location: Station F
Address: 5, parvis Alan Turing, 75013 Paris, France
Room: French Tech Central area (3D view)

Download PDF program

Download StationF Plan


8:30 – 9:00 am
Welcoming coffee
9:00 – 9:45 am Introduction: SOFA and its Symposium

New features!

  • SofaPython3: Discover the fabulous world of Python3
    D. Marchal – CNRS
  • SofaQtQuick: towards a new GUI for SOFA
    B. Marques – Inria
9:45 – 10:30 am Robotics (1/2)

  • New modeling method for haptic soft devices
    C. Duriez – Inria
  • Soft trunk-robot simulation for grasping
    B. Carrez & A. Kruszewski – Inria
  • Surgical robot control
    D. Marchal – CNRS
10:30 – 11:00 am
11:00 – 12:00 am Robotics (2/2)

  • Simulation of mesostructured materials using anisotropy
    F. Vanneste – Inria
  • Interactive physically-based model for active suction modeling
    A. Bernardin – Irisa
  • Modeling novel soft mechanosensors based on air-flow measurements
    S. Escaida – Inria
  • Robotic needle insertion using constraint-based inverse FEM
    P. Baksic – ICube
12:00 – 1:30 pm
1:30 – 1:45 pm SOFA community at a glance

1:45 – 2:45 pm

Live demo & industrial session

  • Surgical training and education with operable & deformable anatomies
  • Design, manufacturing and distribution of orthopedic prosthesis
  • New generation of haptic devices for laparoscopy simulation
  • VR and interactive simulations
2:45 – 4:00 pm Medical and VR

  • Dynamic texture mapping for topologically-changing volumes
    J. Abi Nahed – Hamad Medical Corporation
    W. Palliyali – Hamad Medical Corporation
  • Biomechanical modeling of probe-tissue interaction in robotic US scanning
    E. Tagliabue – University Verona
  • Towards using SOFA to train a controller for neuro-endovascular interventions
    T. Pusch – Fraunhofer IPA
  • Simulation of balloon-expandable coronary stents using SOFA
    C. Krewcun – Pascal Institute
  • A training program for surgical endoscopy
    R. Bessard – FreeLancer
4:00 – 4:30 pm
Coffee – Live demos
4:30 – 5:30 pm Numerical methods

  • Position-Based-Dynamics: a proof of concept
    A. Odot – Inria
  • Kromagnon: how to couple simulation and machine learning
    S. Cotin – Inria
  • Time stepping scheme for interactive medical simulation
    F. Jourdes – InSimo
  • Matrix assembly in SOFA
    Z. Zeng – Inria
5:30 – 6:00 pm Perspectives

  • Futures devs in SOFA: introduction of the STC#8
  • Closing of the Symposium

Day: 20th November 2019 – Morning only
Location: EIT Digital CLC – 4th flood, 23 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris, France
Rooms: Rennes & Paris
Level: Medium – Advanced

Plugin workshops will be proposed on specific plugins in order to disseminate open- or closed-source plugins existing around SOFA. With such an insight in these plugins, the sessions should strongly motivate collaborations and new project ideas among the participants.

Schedule Title Room
9:30 – 10:30 am Model Order Reduction Paris
11:00 – 12:00 am Optimization and Filtering Paris
11:00 – 12:00 am Python3 at a glance Rennes

Day: 20th-22nd November 2019
Location: EIT Digital CLC – 4th flood, 23 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris, France
Rooms: Rennes & Paris
Level: Medium – Advanced

The week will close with the 8th SOFA Technical Committee. This technical committee governs and takes all technical decisions for the roadmap towards upcoming releases.
Open and free, the STC is a unique occasion to meet SOFA developers, discuss the on-going developments and code all together during the coding sprint session!

Day 1 Wednesday 20th November (pm)
2:00 pm – 2:10 pm Opening STC#8
2:10 pm – 2:30 pm Consortium activity report
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm SOFA activity report (part 1)

  • v19.06 feedback
  • Roadmap contributions
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Coffee break
4:30 pm – 6:00 pm SOFA activity report (part 2)

  • Out-of-roadmap major contributions
  • Roundtable
  • First discussions towards next roadmap
6:00 pm End of Day 1

Day 2 Thursday 21st November
9:00 am – 10:00 am Defining v20.06 roadmap (part 1)

  • Expected technical evolutions for the next 6 months
10:00 am – 10:30 am Coffee break
10:30 am – 12:30 am Defining v20.06 roadmap (part 2)

  • Expected technical evolutions for the next 6 months
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch
2:00 pm – 2:30 pm Validating v20.06 roadmap

  • Vote of the SOFA Consortium members
2:30 pm – 6:30 pm Coding sprint (free coffee)
6:30 pm End of Day 2
7:30 pm Restaurant evening

Day 3 Friday 22nd November
9:00 am – 12:00 am Coding sprint (free coffee)
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Pizza delivery
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Coding sprint (free coffee)
4:00 pm Closing of STC#8

For the first time in SOFA history, the SOFA consortium organizes Open-Source SOFA Awards!

All contributions are eligible for application: it can be an open-source plugin, a pull-request on GitHub, a video, a tutorial or documentation pages! Two award categories are open for competition:

Organizers’ Prize
Prize: 400€
Public Prize
Prize: 200€

The call for the SOFA awards is open until the 11th of November 2019. Any contribution – as long it is open – will be rewarded at the SOFA Week 2019. Winners of both prizes will be announced at the Symposium on 19th November.

Vote for the SOFA Awards 2019


Duriez, Christian (et al.) Tutorials: Hands on SoftRobotics Hands-on Soft-robotics
Goury, Olivier Plugin: Model Order Reduction MOR project
Marchal, Damien (et al.) Plugin: SofaPython3 SofaPython3 project
Odot, Alban Plugin: Position-Based Dynamics PBD Plugin
Roy, Frederick Feature: Sprite-Based Rendering See pull-request #1194

Sponsored by


Aichele, Fabian Freelancer Physics simulation
Arnaud, Damien VisibleEP Electrophysiology
Allard, Jeremie InSimo Physics simulation
Bal, Mickael Van De Velde Cloth/tissue simulation
Bensoussan, Pierre-Jean InSimo Physics simulation
Bessard-Duparc, Rémi Freelancer Physics simulation
Bianco, Rohan-Jean Philomec Biomechanics
Faure, Francois Anatoscope Anatomy modeling
Fosse, Raphael Freelancer Visualization simulation
Ghalloussi, Samah Aalia Tech Medical translation
Goy, Damien XNov Orthopedics
Javid, Farakh WEX Lab AI, integrated circuits
Jourdes, François InSimo Physics simulation
Kruithof, Joachim VisibleEP Electrophysiology
Laan, Dick Van De Velde Cloth/tissue simulation
Liege, Orianne 3D Experience Lab, Dassault System Physics simulation
Loy Rodas, Nicolas GanymedRobotics Orthopedics, Robotics
Nesme, Matthieu Anatoscope Anatomy modeling
Olsson, Fredrik Follou Haptics, Med. simulation
Olsson, Jenny Follou Haptics, Med. simulation
Pernod, Erik Infinytech3d VR, Physics simulation
Roy, Frederick Independent developer Visualization simulation
Schlegel, William IglooSpirit VR and AR
Tournier, Maxime Anatoscope Anatomy modeling


Abinahed, Julien Lead researcher (Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar) Robotics, simulation
Alvarez, Juan Miguel PhD Candidate (ENSAM, France) Robotics
Artinian, Azad PhD Candidate (UPMC, France) Robotics
Baksic, Paul PhD Candidate (ICube, France) Medical robotics
Bernardin, Antonin PhD Candidate (Irisa, France) Contact modeling
Boukhris, Omar Engineer (Inria Strasbourg, France) Computer vision
Brunet, Jean-Nicolas PhD Candidate (Inria Strasbourg, France) FEM, Physics simulation
Cotin, Stephane Lead Researcher (Inria Strasbourg, France) Physics simulation
Delingette, Hervé Lead Researcher (Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France) Physics simulation
Deshpande, Saurabh PhD Candidate (University Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Physics simulation
Desrues, Gaetan PhD Candidate (Inria, France) Electrophysiology
Ducroc, Julien Student (University Picardie, France) Electronic engineering
Duriez, Christian Lead Researcher (Inria Lille, France) Soft-robotics
Escaida Navarro, Stefan Post-doc Candidate (Inria Lille, France) Soft-robotics, AI
Gaugry, Thierry Engineer (INSA Rennes, France) UI, Python
Goury, Olivier Researcher (Inria Lille, France) Soft-robotics
Guevara, Jaime Graduated PhD (Inria Strasbourg, France) Image registration
Hamze, Noura Researcher (prev. Uni Innsbruck, Austria) Physics simulation
Kassab, Souha Researcher (INSA Lyon, France) Fluid simulation
Kitouni, Dounia Researcher (Institut de la Vision, France) Opthalmology
Krewcun, Camille PhD Candidate (Institut Pascal, France) Medical simulation
Kugler, Michael Researcher (IRCAD, France) Medical simulation
Lagneau, Romain PhD Candidate (Irisa, France) VR, interaction
Lamballe, Anne-Céline Office in charge Inria Chile (Inria, France) International projects
Lezeviel, Maxence PhD Candidate (Femto-St, France) Physics simulation
Li, Shijie PhD Candidate (Université Polytechnique, France) Soft-robotics
Marchal, Damien Lead Engineer (CNRS, France) UI, Python, Robotics
Marchal, Maud Lead Researcher (Irisa Rennes, France) Haptics, Robotics, VR
Marques, Bruno Engineer (Inria Lille, France) Python, UI
Mazier, Arnaud PhD Candidate (University Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Physics simulation
Odot, Alban PhD Candidate (Inria Strasbourg, France) Physics simulation
Palliyali, Waseem R&D Engineer (Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar) Medical robotics
Poliakov, Vladimir PhD Candidate (University Leuven, Belgium) Mechanical simulation
Postek, Eligiusz Researcher (IPPT PAN, Poland) Biology simulation
Pusch, Tim Researcher (Fraunhofer IPA) Physics simulation
Shariff, Ahamadulla Surgeon (Institute Of Medical Sciences, India) Urology
Tagliabue, Eleonora PhD Candidate (University Verona) Robotics
Thieffry, Maxime PhD Candidate (Inria Lille, France) Softrobot control
Vanneste, Felix PhD Candidate (Inria Lille, France) Meso-mechanics
Vibert, Eric Surgeon, MD, PhD (Paul Brousse Hospital, France) Hepatobiliary surgery
Wu, Ke PhD Candidate (Inria Lille, France) Soft-robotics
You, Hyun-seok PhD Candidate (Asan Medical Center, Korea) Physics simulation
Zeraatpisheh, Milad PhD Candidate (University Luxembourg, Luxembourg) Physics simulation
Zhang, Doudou PhD Candidate (University Dresden, Germany) Anatomy for sport

Consortium staff

Paran, Guillaume SOFA Consortium Architecture, DevOps
Talbot, Hugo SOFA Consortium Community, physics

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